Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm thinking about you

I hope you enjoy this little poem that I have and that many of you will like it.

I'm thinking about you:

Like a man with his dog
Like the dog wanting to get the stick
Like the mailman see's the dog
and the dog just chases him.

Like fans watching a football game
Like the football players playing the game
Like the referees watching them play the game
and they call a foul on one of them.

Like Docter's thinking about patients
Like Nurses thinking about nursing the patients
Like Docters are helping the patients
But are actually thinking about the Nurses.

Like Janitor's thinking about cleaning
Like singers want to be singing
Like Frat Boys want to be screaming
But they can't sing nor they clean there own mess.

Like a boy likes a girl
Like a girl likes a boy
Like both girl and boy want to hold hands
But the boy is to shy to hold her hand.

Thank you.


  1. Lovely little ending "But the boy is to shy to hold her hand." Nice post, good ideas.

  2. I'm not entirely getting what you're saying in your second to last stanza about frat boys....? But, I really like your ingenuity in each stanza. I laughed about the doctors and nurses one.

  3. Thanks, I try to be funny. The Frat boy thing well I just through it in is all.

  4. i liked it! i thought it was cute!! with some humor! good work!

  5. I like this a lot!! You connected every papragraph? together. I wasn't sure how janitors and singers were going to connect until I finished that part of the poem. It suprised me!! Good job!!
